2021 - Annual Statistical Data Report

Library Specific Notes


Director is included in 1.0 FTE Librarians; director has responsiblities beyond the library

Other professionals include 1.0 Copyright; 1 Admin Asst; 4 Writing Centre 

Other expenditures includes Admin Expenses  (telephone) and purchase of additional laptops to loan during COVID

During COVID 10% of seats were available   -- Interurban 20 seats, Lansdowne 40 

Directional questions not recorded

Coast Mountain College:

*The Terrace campus library was in a temporary location for this fiscal year to accommodate renovations to the main library building.  A good portion of the collection is physically inaccessible to users which will be reflected in our usage stats.

* Gate count is for Prince Rupert campus only; we have no gates in Terrace or Smithers.

College of the Rockies Library:

#4. Includes Director (Administrative) and 1 librarian

ECUAD-Ron Burnett Library + Learning Commons:

Circulation, gate count, seats, and open hours reflect limited services offered due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Justice Institute of BC Library:

Institutional Expenditures: This is the first year that we are using Institutional expenditures rather than Institutional budget.

FTE Faculty have doubled as our regular faculty have been separated from the excluded staff (statistically speaking) and now appear in the count for FTE Faculty.

The library's public space was closed for the FY2021 period.

Library statistics may be missing due to the Library space being closed due to the COVID pandemic.

KPU Library:

4. Library Personnel: Auxiliary and student assistant staff were laid off during the pandemic.

5. Collections: We continue to reduce the number of print subscriptions while increasing the electronic serial titles. Electronic monographs and streaming media purchases have trended rather than regular monographs and "videos and films".

6. Reference and directional questions declined in 2020-2021 due to lack of in-person reference services. Group presentations were down due to a pivot to on-line classes during the pandemic. Librarians produced videos and other online materials for library instruction. Usage reports and totals for article and e-book section downloads were double checked, but confirmed lower usage. There is no clear explanation for this lower usage. Circulation, Direct was down dramatically due to our physical collection being closed during the pandemic and loans being curtailed. In-Library use statistics were therefore not counted. While the Library remained open with limited hours, our dramatically lower gate count reflects the move of classes to on-line. Interlibrary loan activity was down due to pauses in services due to COVID-19. Initially only online loans were processed. Mail service did resume later in the year but still would have resulted in a reduction in numbers.

7. Library Expenses: Personnel – Very limited hiring of auxiliary staff, student assistants and contract librarians due to the pandemic. Collections – Reduced spending due to the pandemic. Other – Working from home and reduced spending due to the pandemic.

9. Number of seats available during COVID: Cloverdale 19; Langley 21; Richmond 50; Surrey 50. Each campus reduced their weekday open hours and eliminated weekend hours during the pandemic.

Langara College:


COVID: Did not use on call staff, did use Auxiliary Librarians

Library open w/ limited access.

Interlibrary Loans - We weren't loaning out books to other libraries or borrowing books from other libraries.

Total Institutional Expenditures taken from: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/education/post-secondary-education/institution-resources-administration/financial-reporting/audited-financial-statements/20-21/lang_audited_2021_fs.pdf

Number of Presentations to Groups: Count of all library instruction, including both in-person and online (synchronous and asynchronous) tutorials.

Digital Learning Object Usage: Total views of Library’s guides (subject/assignment guides, citation guides, etc.)

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology:


North Island College:

Above data is based on non pandemic spacing and computer stations. During Covid we had a much reduced seating capacity and workstation availability. Staffing reduction is also directly related to the impact of COVID-19. Gate counts were not collected.

Northern Lights College:

Reference Questions: Includes 216 questions we answered on AskAway

E-Books: 205 downloads plus 3186 online views. Since the chapters don't have to be downloaded to read & don't know how to calculate those, I include the online views

Okanagan College:

No gate count was kept during this period due to COVID.

Figures reported for Personnel, Seats, Hours and Public Workstations are all actuals, as affected by institutional health and safety plans that limited occupancy and other COVID-related impacts.

Royal Roads University Library:

4. FTE librarians went form 3 to 3.75. Yup, that's more than a 20% change. 

5.1 - Number of print subscriptions. I think last two year's number was wrong. We are talking about the difference between 51 and 62, though, so keep that scale in mind.

5.2 - number of electronic serials - 45949 - is place holder (last year's number) until, or unless I cannot, get this year's number.

6 - Circulation and ILL borrowing changed significantly because of pandemic.

Selkirk College Library:

Seating was regular seating, not Covid reduced numbers.

SFU Library:

Facilities capacity and hours are based on COVID limits.

Thompson Rivers University Library:

5.1 Monographs--Includes maps, pamphlets, and annuals that are not included in periodicals; Other--Count for this year does not include bound periodicals

5.2 Streaming media--Number does not currently include titles in CBC Curio database, attempting to get title count

6 Article and Ebook Section Downloads--this is incomplete, but it is what we have.

9. Total Open Hours per Week--I have used the hours that the pick-up desk was open and virtual service was provided

University of British Columbia:

Article and Ebook Section Downloads: consolidated COUNTER 5 data not available.

Digital Learning Object Views: not centrally tracked.


University of the Fraser Valley:

Section 5 - Collections: Other
Includes barcoded periodicals; previous years appear to exclude this number.

Section 9 - Facilities & Hours: Total hours open per week
Because of COVID, the library facilities in both Abbotsford and Chilliwack were closed. However, we did offer a pickup service at the entrance to the library with service hours Monday to Thursday, 9am to Noon and 1pm to 4pm, starting in August 2020.

UNBC - Geoffrey R. Weller Library:

FTE Other professionals - project archivist position ended

FTE Student aids - COVID impact

Physical Monographs - redid calculations to exclude ebooks.  Also went through 2 major weeding projects in 2020.

Other formats - redid calculations to include 2D/3D, audio formats in other rather than monographs

Reference - COVID impact

Instruction - COVID impact

Circulation - COVID impact

Gate Count - representative day in Sept.  COVID impact.

ILL - COVID impact

Personnel expenditures - COVID impact

Number of seats in library - COVID impact, this number represents number of seats available during COVID

Total hours per week - COVID impact, this number represents hours physically open during COVID

Public workstations - COVID impact, this number represents number of computers available during COVID

University of Victoria:

Re: Section 5 Collections numbers

2021 numbers are significantly different from 2019 numbers because the method of calculating was revised to more accurately reflect the collections. Please note these numbers were pulled by type and location from the catalogue and may include duplicate bibs.

Re: Section 6 Reference Questions and Directional Questions

This number reflects Main Library only (Special Collections, DSC, Law Library,  Music & Media, Distance Learning not included)

Re: Number of participants and group presentations and number of presentations to groups

DSC & former L&R only (does not include Law, Special Collections/University Archives, and Distance Learning)

Re: Article Downloads

Used 2020 J1-JUSP Total Item Requests usage from: MUSE, JSTOR, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, Sage, Oxford and Springer as a representative sample

Re: Section 9 Number of seats and hours open

This number is the amount of normal seats, and normal hours open, not COVID arrangement which varied as the situation changed

Vancouver Community College:

Sites were closed during 2020-2021 fiscal year 

General Notes
