2023 - Annual Statistical Data Report



Note the large drop in ebook section downloads this year may be due to error in calculating this value this year - or due to following a different process than in previous years. 

Douglas College Library:

FTE Librarians 12.25 includes a new ongoing position for Associate Director added August 2022. 

FTE Library staff 27.70 includes increase to 1.00 fulltime position funded by Records Management budget, but supporting Library Archives.

ILS is partially paid out of Library Budget.


ECUAD-Ron Burnett Library + Learning Commons:

Electronic monographs includes audiobooks. Streaming media includes Westar sound effects and music and LinkedIn videos.

Langara College:
  • Reference Questions: All questions minus facilitative and reference referral
  • Digital Learning Object Usage: Total views of Library’s guides (subject/assignment guides, citation guides, etc.). Specifically, guide views + LibGuides homepage views + AtoZ Database views
  • Electronic Monographs: large increase due to the introduction of the EBSCO Academic Ebook Collection
  • Collection Expenses: Budget has increased however the use of prepayments by our institution, for subscription items, means that not all budget is expended in the year it is allocated
Northern Lights College:

E-Monographs= 3 EBSCO e-book databases + 1 ProQuest database. Electronic Serial Titles: 1 database discontinued. Ebook downloads: hard to determine as books can be read onine without downloading them. Physical group presentations 676 in 173 sessions. However, a video presentation  is accessible in 41 courses to 1006 students. Can't determine the # of students who watched the video or how many were of the same were in the multiple classes. 

Thompson Rivers University Library:

FTE Faculty: this year Open Learning Faculty members were not included in the numbers I was able to obtain

Gate count is not tracked for the full library, only the floor with the main print collection. Actual visitors to the library is much higher.

Article and Ebook section downloads: usage numbers are combined for journals and books. The split is approximate.

Total hours open per week (Kamloops campus)--refers to building opening hours. Collections and service hours are different and more restrictive.

University of British Columbia:

Increases in in-person service counts due to reduced numbers in previous year from COVID-19. Decrease in collections expenditures due to large purchase with funds from a consortium of donors in previous year. Data not available: FTE faculty, digital resource use counts

University of the Fraser Valley:

2. Number of campuses without library staff: Hope, Clearbrook, Mission, Aerospace, Chandighar

5.2 Electronic Serial Titles: count taken as of June 15, 2023

9. Total number of seats (Abbotsford campus): Change in numbers from previous year the result of different counting methods

UNBC - Geoffrey R. Weller Library:
  • 5.2 Collections - Electronic
    • Electronic Monographs - This is the number that kept being generated by our system using the same formula as last year, we think it's an irregularity from migration activities to our new ILS. 
  • 6 Use
    • Number of Participants at Group Presentations - numbers from 2022 input incorrectly (put in reverse order), that is why there is a substantial difference.
    • Number of Presentations to Groups - numbers from 2022 input incorrectly (put in reverse order), that is why there is a substantial difference.
    • Other irregularities in Use are just our resources being used more, our first floor reopening after construction activities, etc. 
  • 7. Library Expenses (Capital and Operating)
    • Personnel (Salaries and Benefits)$ 
    • Collections$ 
    • Special Funding Envelopes$ 
    • Other$ - Reading historic stat inputs and using spreadsheet used by the past person collecting stats, I could not figure out where the number for last year was coming from. This is total library expenditures minus expenditures for personnel and collections. Will flag for usual stats contact for correction. 
  • 11. Library Automated Systems
    • Starting in April 2023, UNBC moved to a new ILS system. 
University of Victoria:
  • Section 5: Changed from Voyageur to ALMA in June 2022
  • Section 6. Reference and Directional Questions: New Research Help model changed how questions are labeled
  • Section 6. Interlibrary loans sent and received: Missing data Oct-December 2022
  • Section 7. Personnel: Updated benefits calculation from 16% to 19%. Student aides' salary included (not included last year).
  • Section 7. Collections: Includes collections support
  • Section 9. Total Number of Seats: Not reporting due to renovations in Main and Law Libraries.
Vancouver Island University:

Decline in print monographs is due to significant weed.

Increase in  reference questions is partially attributed to new proactive chat service.

General Notes
