2022 - Annual Statistical Data Report



Library did not open due to COVID restrictions until September 2021

Capilano University Library:

The number on the 5.1 Collections - Monograph line should be 62785; I'm not able to add the amount as I have an error message. 

Thank you

Douglas College Library:

Note on Streaming Media total - significant discrepancy in 2021-2022 number over 2020-2021. 2020-2021 appears to be an error.

Note on Library Staff FTE - includes .60 position funded from Records Management budget but supporting Library/Archives.

Note on ILS Paid For From Library Budget? Partially.

ECUAD-Ron Burnett Library + Learning Commons:

Streaming Media does not include LinkedIn Learning. 

Public computers have not been fully restored since the return to campus "post-covid"

Faculty FTE unavailable, number is from 2020-2021. 


Justice Institute of BC Library:

Digital Learning Object statistics for 2021/2022: Usage statistics from Kaltura and BlackBoard Collaborate are missing for this year as both systems were migrated and statistics were lost.

KPU Library:


Monographs - Electronic monographs purchases have trended rather than regular monographs. Much weeding had also been accomplished, resulting to a slight decrease in figures from the last year. 

Videos & Films- Streaming media purchases have trended rather than "videos and films". Some DVDs (Music Program recitals) were also moved to Archives, resulting in a slight decrease in figures from the last year. 

Other - for Other AV - 2,421 and for Back Issue Serials - 8,900 

Electronic Monographs - Electronic monographs purchases have trended rather than regular monographs. Wiley and EBC DDA (Demand Driven Acquisitions) Collections were also cancelled, resulting in slight decrease in figures from the last year. 

Streaming Media - Streaming media purchases have trended rather than "videos and films". 


Reference Questions - AskAway + RefAnalytics all reference transactions 

Directional questions - AskAway + RefAnalytics all directional transactions 

Digital learning object usage - Library Video Tutorial Views (Youtube and Kaltura): 10618 + Pressbook Views: 27185 +  Tutorial Badges: 6212 + Libwizard Tutorial Submissions: 354 +Subject Libguide Views: 288921 


Personnel (Salaries and benefits) - Return of auxiliaries/student assistants (post-Covid), more hours open 

Collections - more regular spending (post-Covid); some one-time budget increases  

Special Funding Envelopes - blended in to regular collections the year before, stand-alone this year going forward 

Other - return to work onsite for most regular staff; increased onsite activity (post-Covid) 


Base Ministry Grants:  $66,091,457

Other operating revenues:  $147,331,094

Total = $213,422,551


Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) Cloverdale Hours restored to pre Covid hours 

Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) Langley Hours restored to pre Covid hours 

Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) Richmond Hours increased from Covid hours to meet current demand 

Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) Surrey Hours increased from Covid hours to meet current demand 


Number of public workstations L: 4 workstations removed during Covid to widen walkway   C: Added 6 workstation, expanded the lab workstation on the previous budget(2021) S: removed one workstation from the research desk  

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology:

Just wanted to note that part of our presentation count is that we do presentations to not only surrounding communities but other rural communities that we teach in. This has increased due to COVID and their response to COVID, fires and floods. (especially for our on reserve communities)  

Our Gate count was lower-this was due to COVID and the flooding.

Northern Lights College:

EBSCO Serial Titles: Difference between last year and this year due to both cancellation of 2 databases and serial titles do vanish from databases.

Circulation Direct: students used more articles than items in the collection. Some instructors have switched from term papers to other means of evaluating students due to plagiarism

Number of presentations to groups: 17 orientations plus 14 library tours plus an online video presentation set in 42 online courses.

Number of participants in group presentations: 324 in face-to-face orientations, 247 in tours, plus 1222 students had access in the 42 online courses. It is not possible to determine how many watched the orientations nor how many students were unique individuals.

Okanagan College:

Circulation data is for June 2021 to March 2022

Gate count excludes Salmon Arm

Royal Roads University Library:

FTE Librarians: low due to a concurrent resignation and maternity leave. We could not backfill the mat leave and the resignation took a while to re-fill.

Gate count: Building was closed until August of 2021


Thompson Rivers University Library:

FTE Faculty--For the first time, this number includes Open Learning Faculty Members, which we have always been supporting but have not previously been included.

Gate Count--gate counters are not tracking library entrance. Number only accounts for entrance to third floor collection and reference area.

Article and E-book Section downloads--these are divided approximately, as COUNTER 5 does not differentiate formats

Total hours open per week (Kamloops campus)--refers to building opening hours. Collections and service hours are different and more restrictive.

UNBC - Geoffrey R. Weller Library:

5.2 Streaming Media: Cancelled Kanopy PDA program.

6 Directional Questions: unavailable this year as was not separated from other types of reference questions

6 Circulation: In-Library Use: unavailable as we do not collect that information

6 Gate Count: Representative day in Sept.

9 Total number of seats: Reopening after COVID as well as renovation


University of Victoria:

1. Gate counts reflect data collected between Sept 08 2021 - March 30, 2022.

2. Partial closure of the University of Victoria campus during 2021 may impact other use statistics presented here.

3. Reference and instruction statistics now include data from all service points, including law, special collections and university archives, and askaway service. 

4. E-usage data includes the following publishers: MUSE, JSTOR, Taylor & Francis Journals, Wiley Journals, Sage Journals / SAGE Knowledge, Oxford Journals / Oxford Online Products, Springer (including Biomed + CENTRAL)

5. FTE Faculty calculated Sept. 30, 2021 and does not include librarians. 

General Notes
