2020 - Annual Statistical Data Report



Reference and Directional questions intentionally not recorded. 

Copyright  Advisor and Asst to Director -- other professional positions  

Capilano University Library:

Data for 2019/2020 fiscal year. 

Coast Mountain College:

*The Terrace campus library was in a temporary location for this fiscal year to accommodate renovations to the main library building.  A good portion of the collection is physically inaccessible to users which will be reflected in our usage stats.

* Gate count is for Prince Rupert campus only; we have no gates in Terrace or Smithers.

Douglas College Library:

Numbers are decreased  in Circulation, Reference & Gate Count due to a Renovation Project for  8 months at the New West campus. Library was open but relocated to another site.

Justice Institute of BC Library:

New COUNTER 5 reports used to calculate Article downloads (TR_J1, Unique_Item_Requests) and ebook downloads (TR_B1, Total_Item_Requests), resulted in significant changes from previous year's results.

KPU Library:

Section 3:

FTE International Students - Previous year (2018-2019) was reported as 3773. On Nov 3, 2020 we were told KPU made a resubmission to the Ministry with this change: 4096.

FTE Faculty - The department responsible worked this year with Payroll to identify specific Earn Codes that attribute to total hours worked, based on CPSLD's definition of FTE.

Section 5:

Monographs - Much weeding of monographs has been accomplished, resulting in a considerable decrease in this figure over last year.

Print Subscriptions - Cancelled a number of print subscriptions and moved to online subscriptions.

Electronic Monographs - Increase in purchasing of electronic monographs, including EBSCO Academic collection of 146,482 titles.

Electronic Serials Titles - We added a subscription to ProQuest Central in August, 2019.


Section 6:

E-book Section Downloads - E-book usage statistics have declined dramatically as a result of the switch to COUNTER 5.  Additionally, one of our e-book platforms (Books 24x7) is not COUNTER 5 compliant, and since we are supposed to report unique title requests from COUNTER 5 TR_B1 reports, we did not include usage from this platform in our total.


Section 7:

ILL loans received and sent - Service changes over last year due to our collection being better suited now to users' needs.


Section 8:

Institutional Expenditures - Although this year's base Ministry grant was increased by over $2M, an approximate decrease of $10M in operating revenues, mostly due to a cap on international student enrollment, resulted in a total institutional expenditure of less than $8M over the previous year.

Langara College:

January 2020 Langara migrated to Workday for Finance and HR systems. Crossover year may have skewed some information

March-April 2020 - Library physically closed due to COVID-19 but pickup and augmented online services continued

re: Ebook stats
Just a note that the ebook section downloads number is significantly lower since the switch to COUNTER 5 reporting and the use of the TR_B1 report means that we're counting books used, not book sections. That directive was in the initial email we had about the stats but is not noted in the worksheet or in the definitions PDF.

North Island College:

*Campbell River Library Campus stats reflect the move to the new CR Library.

* We included laptop & equipment in Direct Circ stats.

* Public computer workstations is accurate, the number in 2019 was inaccutate- 100 over.

Northern Lights College:

NEW: International Student numbers

Any glaring differences between this year and last year's statistics come from the change to Counter 5, the new standard on usage statistics for electronic resources. 

Salaries: The Copyright/Library Assistant position was vacant from January until July.

Okanagan College:

6. Figures reported for e-resource usage are unique requests from COUNTER 5 TR J1 and TR B1. Total requests were 160,631 (TR J1) and 126,259 (TR B1).

Royal Roads University Library:

5.2 Collections

Number of electronic monographs is much higher. We have very likely been under reporting for years.

6. Use

Direct circulation – down to 4369 from 9558. I double checked. Those are numbers we tracked.

Gate counter broke in October.

Thompson Rivers University Library:

The instructions for Article Downloads and Ebook Section downloads are asking for JR1 and BR1 reports respectively. These report types are only available in Counter 4 protocol, of which some major providers are not offering for 2019-20. Revised instructions are needed in order to complete these sections (perhaps Total Item Requests? which would combine all electronic resources).

Note for Section 5: 31,000 items were weeded from the collection between the end of the 2020 fiscal and the time these statistics were collected. So our total physical collection as of March 31, 2020, will be 31,000 more than the total reported here.

University of British Columbia:
  • Gate counts incompletely reported due to COVID-19 closures
  • No seat count available for Vancouver campus due to COVID-19 closures
  • Consolidated COUNTER-5 data not available and COUNTER-4 reports incomplete for Article and Ebook Section downloads.
UNBC - Geoffrey R. Weller Library:

Faculty - previous years accidentally reported full time faculty FTE only.  This year includes part-time faculty FTE as well.

Reference questions - Questions from Archives included beginning 2020

Article and Ebook downloads - collected beginning 2020

Gate Count - Representative day in October

Institutional Budget - understanding that CPSLD gets this direct from MAVED

Total hours open - Library closed during early months of COVID-19 pandemic

Total number of seats - multiple floors of Library closed to patrons due to COVID-19 pandemic.  Only 1st floor open for patrons.


University of Victoria:

FTE Students Actual figure is that submitted by institution and not from Ministry records. The Ministry figure for domestic FTE enrolments is 16,817. (R. Tyner, 3/1/21)

Vancouver Island University:

Section 5.1. Collections: Monographs : This number does not include serials/periodicals that are in the stacks. It does include the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM) stats (adding up to approximately 50K items), which contributed to this number

Section 9. Nanaimo Campus: Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) : 119 *Reflects hours prior to March 28 before Covid-19 pandemic closures came into effect. After this date, 35 total hours open per week.

Cowichan Campus: Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) :  60 *Reflects hours prior to March 28 before Covid-19 pandemic closures came into effect. After this date, 25 total hours open per week.

Powell River Campus: Total hours open per week (Sept. - April) : 44 *Reflects hours prior to March 28 before Covid-19 pandemic closures came into effect. After this date, library was closed.


General Notes


Ministry provides student enrollment data (FTE) but data excludes international education (except the international graduate students from the research universities: Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia, and University of Victoria)


CPSLD Definitions document (revised May 2019)

Adding data for a new fiscal year

Download short video

